Tag Archives: Experience

Experience Over Bravado Any Day !


Joanne Hull|September 25, 2014

I’LL TAKE EXPERIENCE OVER BRAVADO ANY DAY .  We’ve all seen it.  That one blowhard who thinks they know it all.


Anyone can talk the talk, wear the logos, and strut their stuff.  I’ve seen more letters and certifications after surnames that defy the existing alphabet.


I want the person who can walk that walk on my team….EXPERIENCE…..That’s the name of the game.  If you haven’t done disaster field work, been on the scene, in the moment, in the aftermath then my friend, you only talk the talk.  Arrogant is not the same as confident.  Confidence comes with experience.  A strong network of experience and confidence is needed to connect and collaborate for any mission to succeed.

The issues we face are too complex to be addressed by someone who thinks they know it all.  The world we work in is a fluid universe which presents multi-faceted challenges at any given time.  Team work– with an experienced team.  We feed off each other’s experience, drill down for the answer and act swiftly to provide the need and fill in the gaps.


By bringing experienced people together sharing a multiplicity of ideas, perspectives and courage to meet any challenge.