

Sometimes,  something so special comes into your life, you never want to let it go.

Tonight, I had to do just that.   I had to let my cat go after seventeen years.

I want to thank you Roger for being one of God’s little angels.

You came into my life unexpectedly and stayed for so many years giving unconditional love.

You were always there for me.  

You curled up with me at night with a purr that even in the worst of days, made me feel everything was all right.

In the morning, you were the first one I’d hear with that distinct voice, louder than the alarm clock.

I would give anything to hear that voice again. 

There is a hole in my heart for my best friend.

Run with the angels Mr. G, sing with the birds and drink your fresh water at God’s spa.




Roger “MR. G”




TIP: That sense of self-importance in business –OR– life in general, will never get you a seat at the head table.

If you want to get ahead and make people want to propel you, here’s the secret.  Sometimes, you just have to get over yourself.   It’s not always about you.  That’s the mistake that breeds interpersonal relationship problems and insecurity, not to mention, it will constantly keep you looking over your shoulder for the next fabricated infraction.

TIP:   Be instrumental in helping someone excel or,help someone get back into the game.  It’s a great feeling and, a team player, whether in your own family or, in your business, IS noticed. 

Most people have many responsibilities in their life, i.e., children, parents, elderly or sick relatives; the list goes on and on.  However, as difficult as this new concept is to process,(especially in an economy when most people are working very hard just to keep their heads above water and, the heads of their family members as well), there really are people out there who have been given gratis for most of their adult lives.   This type of person continues to expect the same special treatment in the workforce while attempting to judge unkindly those less fortunate. Needless to say, that attitude does not translate well in the business world or, for the matter, any where else.

Don’t be so consumed with yourself that you forget to be a team player. Try giving some encouragement to someone not as fortunate at the moment or, someone who is also trying to get ahead.   Have some compassion, lend a helping hand, maybe lend and ear… Be a mentor. 

TIP: In business and in life, everyone is not going to understand, agree with, or even like, all of your concepts, ideas, and choices.  Why? Because they don’t have to!  That’s correct.  EVERYONE will not applaud you all of the time.

Be prepared to accept applause graciously but, conversely, be just as prepared to accept constructive criticism just as gracefully. Don’t be so quick to judge someone else’s back story.  You may think someone is making a big deal out of something you have decided is as simple as a shattered or broken glass.  You have to believe there may be reasons you don’t need to understand.  Everything is not worth the fight.  Pick and choose your words wisely from an understanding point of view and not a superior or dismissive one.

There you have it in a nutshell…… The get over yourself trick.

We are all cogs in rather large wheels (be it family, friends, or co-workers and, most times, all of the above).  Once you start believing you are the “wheel” then, that’s the time to take inventory.

If you have estranged yourself from family, friends, and co-workers, by making excuses to yourself about how unfair and mean spirited people are to you because, they don’t always agree with you or your choices…….WELL maybe, JUST maybe,  you have become your own problem.






1/1/15 Jh

Everyone needs a reason to wake up in the morning.  Everyone needs to be a productive member of society.    NOT a POSER….THE REAL DEAL.   Not a person who will try anything to be trendy but succeed at nothing because they walk away or quit when the going gets tough, or when it begins to feel like a real job with real responsibility.

We all know the type.  The person who believes hard work is for the other guy and they are gifted” because they have found someone who will continue to blow that blue smoke for them and endlessly enable that figment of their own imagination.

Not everyone can or will be a rock star, musician, movie star, talk show host or become a member of any of the so called “glamour jobs”.

By no means is Emergency Management a “glamour job”.   Emergency Management is hard work.  However, any adult with a sense of responsibility wants a profession, and of course, a paycheck.  It’s the American way.

Emergency Management will never be considered a so called “glamour job”. There is no applause, and no canned laughter…..IT’S THE REAL DEAL.   Emergency Management is a serious profession, a difficult profession, and one to be very, very, proud of.

You’ve paid your dues because this job comes with blood, sweat and tears.

You are a true ROCK STAR……Rock on Emergency Managers….


You’ve earned the real applause!




SOAR AND SET NEW BENCHMARKS……..Everyone has something to share.  Each of us has a wealth of resources at our disposal to call upon to enlist and pass along to others.

You see it every day on  social media, that digital interconnection…a new frontier. That virtual environment altering the dynamics of every one of our “personal”, and not so “personal” interactions.

As Emergency Managers and leaders, we should be duty-bound  to enable our staff,  and promote opportunity for growth and development.  Platforms of knowledge and cross-training experiences create far-reaching partnerships enabling a multitude of career opportunities by motivating others.  By sharing ideas, knowledge, and talents, the formula and prerequisite for success  becomes carved in our mission statement…. a pursuit of our common goals.

A transcendent approach, one that goes above and beyond  any universal definition of your job performance requirements, is needed to succeed.  Break out of your comfort zone, that safety niche and share your thoughts, progress, and skills– become a teacher, student and mentor.

Don’t conform to a norm… rather… SOAR AND  SET NEW BENCHMARKS !

In any career choice, including Emergency Management, there will always be a series of competing perspectives. Don’t run and hide from them , rather, embrace them.  Share what you know and be openly receptive to what you don’t know.  Try looking at new concepts, with different optics.  Step back and see things from other’s perspective— a different, but very unique vantage point.  Weed out all limitations and make your primary focus  not so internally tunneled that you close the door on a new approach.   Innovation is the magic that creates successful leaders and mentors for future missions, and a standard for never ending possibilities.  Focus your efforts, foster new and exciting partnerships and share your knowledge, ideas, and experiential learning.

Don’t conform to the norm…the sky is the limit. SOAR !!




Joanne Hull |October 27, 2014

It’s highly recommended that we go for our annual checkup once a year.   No one likes it.  It certainly isn’t the high-point of anyone’s day.  But, we do it!

There are basic tests we all have to take and others specific to gender, weight, age, and past medical history.   You know the drill.  We all hate checkups but once it’s over we sure feel relieved and somewhat reassured that we have done something to control our future.

The same is true for your emergency planning.  ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT ALL.

Recently, I attended a community tabletop exercise.  Captains of local Industry were seated at all of the respective tables ready for the latest tabletop scenario to begin.  What I found mind boggling was the fact that most in attendance had no idea how to adjust the only planned scenario they had on file to any other new or proposed catastrophic event.   Their plans appeared to be cookie cutter, made from a template and any deviation created stress and confusion.

Now, readers….. I’m sure that you get the point.  At the very least, your emergency management and contingency plan needs an annual checkup as well.    Your life may depend on it!

Don’t be fooled.  Don’t hire someone to create your plan and not be an active participant in the process.  Don’t accept a template or a cookie cutter plan and, by all means hire someone with experience.   It’s easy to” talk the talk” however, make sure who you hire has” walked the walk”, or,  be prepared for that look of confusion when presented with an event other than what was written for you in that expensive three ring binder you paid a good buck for and now call your plan.

Just like your visit to the doctor, you need a specific plan for your specific circumstances,  in your specific job or, specific region of the country.  Find the weak links even if the weak link is your plan itself or the firm you hired and, step away from the obvious by connecting all of the dots and recognizing anomalies to meet your specific challenges.

Measure your plan against effectiveness re-imagined for the 21st century.  Then, an only then, you’ll have the game changer.


Experience Over Bravado Any Day !


Joanne Hull|September 25, 2014

I’LL TAKE EXPERIENCE OVER BRAVADO ANY DAY .  We’ve all seen it.  That one blowhard who thinks they know it all.


Anyone can talk the talk, wear the logos, and strut their stuff.  I’ve seen more letters and certifications after surnames that defy the existing alphabet.


I want the person who can walk that walk on my team….EXPERIENCE…..That’s the name of the game.  If you haven’t done disaster field work, been on the scene, in the moment, in the aftermath then my friend, you only talk the talk.  Arrogant is not the same as confident.  Confidence comes with experience.  A strong network of experience and confidence is needed to connect and collaborate for any mission to succeed.

The issues we face are too complex to be addressed by someone who thinks they know it all.  The world we work in is a fluid universe which presents multi-faceted challenges at any given time.  Team work– with an experienced team.  We feed off each other’s experience, drill down for the answer and act swiftly to provide the need and fill in the gaps.


By bringing experienced people together sharing a multiplicity of ideas, perspectives and courage to meet any challenge.



(Shouldn’t every month be National Preparedness Month?)

Joanne Hull|September 2014

In this day and age, do we really need a designated month to prepare?   Shouldn’t we be preparing every day ?

I remember working in a state that had several hurricanes.  They struck the state one after the other, each one more violent than the next.  One night thoroughly exhausted as usual, I arrived “home” to my hotel in time for the 11PM news.  I turned on the television trying to unwind and heard the best 60 seconds ever.  A frustrated elected official was being interviewed and he said words to the effect……  Look, we live in a state that gets hurricanes.  Is it too much to ask to have a few days of bottled water and non-perishable items until help can get to you?

Words to live by since September also happens to be the month when more hurricanes have occurred that any other month.

BE PREPARED.  HAVE A PLAN.  What would happen if you become the only person your family has to count on until help arrives?



 Joanne Hull | July 28, 2014

I see it at every incident…..that deer in the headlights look.  You can always tell when someone is arriving at an incident for the first time.  That confused, where do I go now look on their face.   You’re certainly not underrepresented so don’t be alarmed because frankly , you may just happen to be part of  the vast majority.

If you were to ask any of the seasoned emergency managers what is the most intimidating thing about a disaster, they will probably respond by saying, “just showing up”.   Your first day at any field office can be intimidating.  Emergency workers flying in from every part of the country, wearing shirts with more federal, state, local and agency logos than you every knew existed. Hundreds, sometimes thousands of staff depending on the size of the incident.

The overarching question now is…how to find clarity and neutralize the intimidation in what seems like, on this first day,  a complex and alternate universe.  How do you find the intersection between confusion and resolve?

First Clue……

Run, do not stop at go, and find a copy of the INCIDENT ACTION PLAN or, IAP as it is referred to by every disaster manager and responder.

This remarkable platform will tell you everything you need to know.  Your own personal force multiplier for clarity and understanding, dissecting the incident, and bringing balance to all the confusion.  This disaster diary just states facts; it doesn’t attach opinions.

Translation: It speaks optically to you with maps, graphs, charts, forms, etc., all at your disposal just by turning pages.  It peels back the intricacies and navigates the incident objectives right before your eyes….including no ambiguous line of authority.  The staffing pattern and organization chart appear like pieces on a chess board allowing you to locate the staff  members you may be looking for at any particular moment in time.


The Operational Period.

Incident Objectives

Strategies and Tactics

Organizational Charts

Branch, Division, and Group Functions


Climate Conditions

Communications Plan

Logistics Plan

Medical Plan

Safety Plan



Incident Playbook– Diary– Bible…….

Call it what you will but, whatever you call it, a view from the catbird seat is ever so fabulous.

And by the way,

If all else fails— come and see me, the Chief of Staff.   I’ll leave an arrow out for you pointing to the sign on my door.



 Tracking off the Grid 

Joanne Hull| July 11, 2014 

I admit, I’m not the avid hiker in the family however, some people very close to me are avid hikers and they’re planning to hike the Northville /Placid Trail.  From Trail-head in Benson NY, to the final segment in the high peaks wilderness just outside of Lake Placid NY, they will be hiking approximately 133 miles.  The last 50 miles of this trip are some of the most rugged, desolate (yet beautiful) areas in the Adirondack Park.


NO cell phone service and NO easy way to summon emergency help.

That said, and because these folks are very dear to me and probably because of the work that I do for a living in Emergency Management, I realized that I would not rest an easy night without knowing that they would be able to summon help in case of an accident or any other catastrophic event.

ENTER THE SPOT GEN 3—Satellite GPS Messenger

This hike will obviously take them beyond cell phone service.  I wanted to know that they were okay during this two week adventure.  It appears, from my research, that Spot Gen3 was just what I was looking for.  A lifesaving line of communication.  The “just in case factor” should they ever need emergency help.  It works by pressing a button.   SPOT sends your exact GPS location to an emergency response coordination center at the press of a button and, it can also send pre-set messages to stay in contact with your friends and family along the way to let them know all is well.



I’m sure that there are many other devices to choose from.  Check them all out if you’re interested.  However, here is the link below to the SPOT home page.  I just purchased one last night.  I hope I never have to use it.

It may be a little pricey however, if it works like it says it does, I think it may just be worth the cost the first time you ever have to press the SOS.   That said,  I hope I never have to find out!!






 Successful Communication:

Joanne Hull | June 18, 2014

How confident do you appear?

Lack of clarity in your words, your questions, or your statements, usually concludes to your staff your own lack of clarity on the topic of your discussion and your overall objective.

Identify the expectation.

Your verbal message needs to model or match your non-verbal language and nuances and not act as a direct contradiction.

You’re being tested.

Be confident in what you communicate to your staff.  You’re being tested.  The old saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”, will ultimately decide if you are reliable.  Your staff needs to know that they can rely on what you say.  If you appear unsure, flustered or confused or off topic, you are perceived as no longer in charge of the situation.

Win their respect.

It is important to be respected not for your title but because you exude knowledge and confidence under very trying circumstances.  It is important to be credible to your staff.  When your words are secure, levelheaded and imperturbable you will stop being tested and start being respected.